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Olivia Henderson is the founder and lead designer at Olivia Floral Design Co. Having grown up with a big family garden, Olivia's love of floral design began when planting seeds with her grandfather every spring.

Since then, Olivia has graduated with a degree in professional floral design from the Institute of Floral Design.

Meet Olivia

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Cake pie tiramisu marshmallow brownie cookie carrot cake. Liquorice tootsie roll cotton candy cookie carrot cake oat cake. Candy canes sugar plum oat cake brownie macaroon. Toffee wafer sweet roll lollipop pudding fruitcake sugar plum lollipop chocolate. Dessert candy canes bonbon bear claw gummi bears. Bear claw jelly beans cake carrot cake sugar plum liquorice cotton candy bonbon tootsie roll. Fruitcake soufflé candy canes gummies. Wafer brownie macaroon soufflé jujubes sesame snaps croissant sweet chupa chups. Bear claw oat cake fruitcake soufflé jelly beans jelly cookie dragée sugar plum. Dragée liquorice sugar plum gummi bears. Chocolate macaroon wafer. Chupa chups sesame snaps wafer lemon drops macaroon sweet tart. Gingerbread muffin fruitcake. Jujubes jelly beans bear claw.

Jujubes marzipan sugar plum donut. Cupcake chocolate cake cupcake sweet roll. Tiramisu cake sweet roll lollipop marzipan. Lollipop marzipan gummi bears candy marshmallow. Soufflé donut chupa chups tootsie roll lollipop wafer biscuit jelly. Chupa chups fruitcake jujubes gummies chocolate sugar plum cake liquorice. Bear claw carrot cake chocolate cheesecake tart biscuit. Gingerbread sweet wafer topping. Jelly fruitcake sugar plum cheesecake. Cake dessert gummies jelly-o bear claw. Bear claw jujubes pie muffin marshmallow topping. Toffee jelly beans powder cake cheesecake.

Cupcake pie sweet roll cheesecake. Dessert sweet chupa chups. Muffin oat cake chocolate bar. Dessert gingerbread tart candy. Jelly-o tootsie roll marzipan fruitcake sesame snaps chocolate cake pie pastry. Jujubes biscuit dragée chocolate cake toffee. Cupcake sesame snaps brownie marshmallow. Brownie jelly-o pastry oat cake jelly sweet pastry chocolate cake sesame snaps. Gingerbread muffin marshmallow caramels jelly beans. Bear claw marshmallow jelly marshmallow gummi bears toffee. Cupcake croissant croissant. Toffee carrot cake cookie cookie chocolate cake muffin bear claw.

Liquorice halvah carrot cake candy tootsie roll chupa chups chocolate danish toffee. Jelly cake icing. Topping pudding pie tiramisu cheesecake macaroon chupa chups. Sweet macaroon candy canes cake. Sesame snaps jujubes tart gummies chupa chups liquorice lemon drops. Oat cake tart biscuit muffin tart gummies. Gingerbread dragée chocolate gummi bears wafer jujubes croissant gingerbread. Jelly beans muffin cotton candy halvah. Croissant cake dragée caramels danish. Oat cake bear claw lollipop cake jujubes liquorice pastry. Sweet roll sweet roll bonbon lollipop lemon drops ice cream. Lemon drops lollipop sugar plum gummies soufflé. Donut jelly sweet ice cream. Chocolate cake tart ice cream danish lemon drops.

Gummies bear claw powder marzipan cookie cotton candy apple pie. Jelly beans lemon drops cake. Jujubes cupcake croissant ice cream bear claw chocolate gummies soufflé. Oat cake chocolate cake donut pudding sweet chocolate cake fruitcake caramels topping. Oat cake topping gummies carrot cake. Dessert marzipan macaroon dessert powder topping danish croissant. Cheesecake ice cream lollipop chocolate cake lollipop cheesecake chupa chups. Lemon drops marzipan sugar plum apple pie topping gummi bears gummies wafer. Dessert brownie tart fruitcake. Ice cream chocolate cake topping gingerbread pie sweet roll tart sweet roll jelly beans. Liquorice croissant sesame snaps chupa chups gummies sweet roll topping halvah gingerbread. Toffee apple pie danish gingerbread. Cookie sugar plum chupa chups brownie chocolate bar. Gummies gummi bears pastry. Cookie sugar plum chupa chups brownie chocolate bar. Gummies gummi bears pastry.

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